The academic session of the school starts in April.
The entire session will be divided into three periods namely Quarterly/Half Yearly/Annual.
The assessment of each period will be made on the basis of tests and examinations.
The academic attainment of the child will be informed to the parent through the progress report which be given periodically attainment of each period of assessment during Parents Teacher meeting.
40% marks are considered as passing marks. The child must obtain 40 % marks as average in periodical results. The child having failed in two subjects despite securing 40% aggregate will not be promoted.
No leave shall be granted during the test and examination. In case of absence on account of illness medical certificate is needed.
No makeup test will be given for being absent. In special cases the overall performance will be taken into consideration.
Students will not be permitted appear in examination unless his/her sues are cleared up to date.
Any kind of irregularity during test or examination is punishable.
If a pupil fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue studies in the school.